


Health centre offering a comprehensive range of services, treatments and specialist clinics, including GP, nursing, dentist, mental health and midwife services, chiropody, physiotherapy, prescriptions dispensary, and a wide selection of complimentary care services.
Address: Violet Hill House, Violet Hill Road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1NL
Telephone: (01449) 776000.
Fax: (01449) 776005.

The Suffolk Brokerage Ltd

Team offering funding, information, advice and guidance for training to all the Health and Social Care Employers of Suffolk, working closely with training providers to monitor progress and ensure that learners complete qualification.
Address: Suite F 2 Stevens House, 17 Station Road West, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1EF
Telephone: (01449) 616841.
Fax: (01449) 616842.

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